
Ellen has been one of RCK's most dedicated, open and caring volunteers and recently stepped up to the role of Ground Manager!

"It's been amazing to have watched her grow from her first visit to now" - Janie Mac, RCK Cofounder.

Ellen: "I first joined RCK in October 2016 on the off-chance. I'd signed up to volunteer with Help Refugees and they sent me to the kitchen!

Right now Covid is having a huge impact on our operations capacity. We're running low on both volunteers and donations which has meant that responding to the developing need here has been really challenging.

However, what I think RCK achieves is a practical everyday solution for displaced people (in a political shitshow). Whilst people are trying to solve the overarching 'Migrant Crisis' or Refugee Crisis', people need hot food in Calais today."

DONATE to help us keep getting food out to people who need it through the evictions

THANK YOU for all of your support throughout this difficult time. We are indebted to you all!

You can also help us by visiting our Shop for great colourful T-shirts, hoodies and more.