UPDATE from the ground


We are once again deeply shaken after the death of a Sudanese child in the English channel. Despite the ongoing heartbreak that comes with supporting people in Calais, our team is working really hard to get at least 1500 nourishing, delicious meals out a day. All while refugees continue to live in awful conditions, while facing constant evictions and increasingly limited and dangerous ways to reach the refuge they seek in the UK.

Over the last few months we've been adapting as much we can to the terrible conditions in Calais. And now we are doing everything we can to keep our already stretched services going.

The stark reality is that COVID-19 has affected everything we do.

Food prices have gone up; fuel prices too. We have MUCH lower volunteer numbers and donations have dropped as we all tighten our belts during this global crisis.

As such, our response to the growing needs of the displaced people we serve may have to be more restricted in the coming weeks. We must use our resources and capabilities sustainably so that we will be able to support people through the upcoming winter.

We may have to serve less often during these hard times but we will continue to be consistent and reliable and do our best to provide dignified, safe, nutritious food service in Northern France.


Photos by Abdul Saboor

The situation is truly dire and we need everyone's help! Please donate what you can to support our ongoing efforts.


Paula, Sam, Steve, Janie & the RCK crew

THANK YOU for all of your support throughout this difficult time. We are indebted to you all!

You can also help us by visiting our Shop for great colourful T-shirts, hoodies and more.