UPDATE from co-founder Steve Bedlam

We are now back to cooking 2000 meals a day!

All the amazing groups on the ground are working together in our kitchen to help our team get this MASSIVE amount of food out daily. 

People in Calais are still reeling from the brutal evictions on the 10th of July, which continue to cause huge distress to the communities here. Water points were destroyed, government funded meals ceased, and refugees, who already had so little, were left with no food or shelter, being forced to carry what they can with them. 


We are working our very hardest to get food and supplies out to people. Since the eviction we've served nearly 20,000 meals in Calais and Dunkirk! We need your help to keep getting nourishing food to people who are surviving in horrific conditions.

Please DONATE so we can continue with our emergency response!

THANK YOU for all of your support throughout this difficult time. We are indebted to you all!

You can also help us by visiting our Shop for great colourful T-shirts, hoodies and more.

Photos by Abdul Saboor