RCK's 2021

2021 has had its challenges, but we've also been lucky enough to be kept going by supporters, volunteers and donaters. in France we met Amal, we faced blocked distribution sites and we served over 250,000 meals. In the UK, new kitchens were set up, outreach posts added and we gained some incredible volunteers! All of this wouldn't have been possible without the support of the RCK Family - from individuals to groups to companies - Calais Light, Blandford CARES - Calais Aid, Refugees, Europe & Sudan, HertsforRefugees, Giorgio Locatelli, Andi Oliver, Migrate, CamCRAG, The Felix Project, Black Activists Rising Against Cuts. (BARAC), Abdul Saboor, The Rum Shack, thank you all and everyone we couldn't tag - you make it all possible.

Our new London kitchen!

Our new outreach kitchen in London is ready to go!

Just before Christmas we had to uproot for our home in Camden and start fresh in a new building, all within a few days.

Thanks to the help of a dedicated team we managed it and were back serving without missing a day - check out co-founder Paula's guided tour to see the new site!

We still have work to do though and still need your help - please donate what you can and help us serve those who need us as the temperatures drop.

Support us here: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/Londonkitchen

And then we were 6!

We are in no mood to celebrate but over 3 million meals later, today is our 6TH BIRTHDAY.

We didn't expect to still be here. We were so hopeful.

A lot has happened in six years, but sadly very little has changed for the better. Displaced people in Calais still lack the support they deserve, and we, with your amazing support, are still here serving hot meals full of love and kindness.

Thank you for your support! If you want to do more write to your MP, sign the petition in our Instagram bio, share and donate ->

No words

We have no words, just deep sorrow and sadness for those who have died trying to reach the UK.

People have a human right to seek refuge in a safe country.

We call for safe passage and an end to the inhumane conditions at the British-French border.

Photos by Abdul Saboor - thank you


This week RCK volunteers joined the warm welcome of Amal to Calais, Folkestone, and London, to a place of safety. Amal has traveled over 8,000 miles from the Syrian Border in Turkey to highlight those seeking a better life.

Let us take a minute to think of the refugees who are just starting out on their journey...

1 in 3 Afghans are food insecure

It is nearly 4157miles from Kabul to London.

If there were no police, no push-backs, no borders, no winters, no oceans, no mountains, no illness, no rivers to pass, you had a place to sleep and good food, you may just be able to cover 20 miles a day. That journey alone would take around 7 months.

This tells us that the recent refugees fleeing Afghanistan will not start arriving in Europe until around early spring. The refugees we have seen arriving on the planes are the few receiving government support, leave to work and the right to accommodation. This same aid wonโ€™t be afforded to the refugees that at this moment in time are having to walk. These people wonโ€™t receive the protection of our governments, nor shelter or financial support.

Refugee Community Kitchen is now preparing for a long winter of new arrivals fleeing war, torture, discrimination, and for their lives and that of their families. To be there with a hot nourishing meal, to be consistent and kind.

To give them hope as Amal has given us hope

Ossulston Estate Pop-Up

RCK were so privileged to be involved in a pop-up event on the Ossulston Estate this month together with Think and Do Camden and Somers Town Community Association.

Co-founder Janie was there leading the team: "It was lovely meeting so many people, sharing skills and delicious food. Everyone working towards a better future and finding ways to end food poverty. Our daily lunches and special supper were cooked using only surplus produce: supporting the climate and the community with healthy nourishing food".